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AeroDR TX m01, a Mobile X-ray System Enabling Dynamic Digital Radiography at the Bedside


AeroDR TX m01 is a mobile X-ray system with dynamic digital radiography capability at the bedside in intensive care units (ICUs), hospital wards, and operating rooms. It enables dynamic radiography in addition to conventional static radiography without having to transfer a patient to an X-ray room, thus helping to provide appropriate treatment and prevent aggravation of symptoms.

  • AeroDR TX m01 provides dynamic digital radiography by continuous and pulsed X-ray radiation. Dynamic radiography can be performed at the bedside without having to transfer the patient to an X-ray room. In addition to conventional static radiography, it visualizes the movement of the diaphragm and entire lungs associated with the patient’s respiration, thus providing more information to physicians. This will improve the ability of physicians to make diagnoses even by bedside radiography, offer appropriate treatment, and prevent symptoms worsening.

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