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MAMMOMAT Inspiration

MAMMOMAT Inspiration

Mammography screening entails examining thousands of healthy women. So keeping dose as low as possible is extremely important and high image quality is the key to detecting the smallest detail. MAMMOMAT Inspiration results in up to 30% less dose1, without compromising on image quality.


At the same time patient experience should also stay in focus. We develop breast care solutions that give patients optimal care. To produce the best imaging results, it is key that the patient feels at ease during the examination. Providing women with a calming atmosphere during mammography screening can help women relax, ensuring a smooth examination.


Help to enhance your institution’s reputation by providing a better mammography experience for patients and become the institution of choice by providing standard-setting low-dose mammography system for your patients.

  • Premium technology on MAMMOMAT Inspiration ensures high performance, excellent image quality and adds to your diagnostic confidence. Get an overview of the technical specifications.

    System specification

    Detector technology

    amorphous selenium (aSe)

    Detector size

    24 cm x 30 cm (9.5“ x 12“)

    X-ray tube anode material




    Swivel range

    + 180° to – 180°, motorized, isocentric rotation

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